Audio files are compressed using 7-zip. Extract the files (.bnl), and copy to root directory of EMOTI Talking-Pen.
Each audio file corresponds to one title.
Author: Stella Blackstone
Follow Bear on a guided tour of his daily life.
The simple rhyme of Bear Series promotes early language development while the bright, vivid colors appeal to the smallest child. Debbie Harter's illustrations encourage young readers to spot and identify the variety of objects and activities to be found in specific scenarios.
- Bear at Home: To know about home
- Bear in Sunshine: To know seasons and weather
- Bear's Busy Family: To learn about family members
- Bear About Town: To learn places and week days
- Bear in a Square: To learn about shapes
- Bear on a Bike: To know transportation vehicles
《比尔熊学英语》是原版英国幼儿教程,是一本供家庭亲子共读的事物认知与英语启蒙的图画书, 包含以下6个故事:
- 比尔熊在家: 认识自己的家
- 阳光下的比尔熊: 认识四季和天气
- 比尔熊忙碌的一家: 认识家庭成员
- 比尔熊上街: 认识场所和星期
- 正方形里的比尔熊: 认识形状
- 比尔熊骑自行车: 认识交通工具